Kāzas, kuras grūti aizmirst… (A Wedding That Will Move You: Rowden & Leizel)

2014.gada sākumā Rovdens (Rowden) un Leizele (Leizel), nolēma apliecināt savu mīlestību, vienojoties laulības saitēm, 2014.gada 8.jūlijā tieši Rovdens 30-tajā dzimšanas dienā. Viņi jau audzināja savu 2 gadīgo meitu, tāpēc viņi savu mīlošo ģimeni gribēja nostiprināt arī oficiāli – vēlreiz baznīcā apliecinot savu mīlestību gan viens otram, gan ģimenei un draugiem, gan Dievam.
Un tad iejaucās liktenis… Rovdenam maija mēnesī pēkšņi diagnosticēja 4 pakāpes aknu vēzi. Slimība bija neārstējama un bija jāsamierinās ar neizbēgamo. Rovdena pēdējā vēlēšanās bija apprecēties ar viņa mūža vienīgo īsto mīlestību – Leizeli.
Un viņa sapnis piepildījās!
Rovdens aizgāja viņsaulē mazāk kā 10 stundas pēc kāzām.

Early this year, Rowden and Leizl decided to get married on July 8, 2014, Rowden’s 30th birthday. Together with their adorable 2-year-old daughter, they already had a perfect family.
Then a twist of fate, Rowden got diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer in late May. His last request was to marry his one true love. After 12hours of preparations, his dream was fulfilled. Unable to take him outside the hospital, we brought the church to him. It was like a heartbreaking fairytale.
Rowden Go, at the age of 29-years-old, passed away on June 11, 2014. Less than 10hours after he said his vows.
He is survived by his wife Leizel May, daughter Zakiah Rowzel, mother Lorelei, and brothers Hasset & Hisham.
Our family would like to thank the Main Man up above, Jesus Christ, for orchestrating this very inspiring story. And for giving us enough time to give Rowden what he wanted, and show him how loved he was.
A huge shoutout to Michael Sy Yu and his awesome team for taking the job of covering the wedding in a very very short notice, as well as for making this rad video. You guys are heaven sent!

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